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Advanced Topics in Programming Languages (CS 252r) – Fall 2020

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Module Topic: Interpretability and the Right to an ExplanationPerformance
Module Author: Zachary Gabor

Course Level: Graduate
AY: 2020-2021

Course Description: “Seminar course exploring recent research in programming languages. Topics vary from year to year. Students read and present research papers, undertake a research project. Fall 2020: We will explore programming languages for artificial intelligence. Programming Languages drive the way we communicate with computers, including how we make them intelligent and reasonable. In this advanced topic course, we will look at artificial intelligence broadly construed from the point of view of programming languages. We gain clarity of semantics, algorithms and purpose. Topics include differentiable programming, neuro-symbolic systems, constraint and probabilistic programming, interpretable AI and more. Reading and discussion will be based on a selection of papers, suggested collectively. Grading is based on participation, presentation and final project.” (Course description)

Semesters Taught: Fall 2020


  • interpretability (phil)
  • right to explanation (phil)
  • procedural fairness (phi

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