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Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (CS 20) – Spring 2023
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Module Topic: Graph Theory & Testimonial Injustice
Module Author: Daniel Belgrad
Course Level: Lower-level undergraduate
AY: 2022-2023
Course Description: “Widely applicable mathematical tools for computer science, including topics from logic, set theory, combinatorics, number theory, probability theory, and graph theory. Practice in reasoning formally and proving theorems.” Course link.
Semesters Taught: Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023
- Graph theory [CS]
- Peripheral nodes [CS]
- Testimonial injustice [phil]
- Epistemic injustice [phil]
- Social structures [phil]
- Testimony [phil]
- Information [CS]
Module Overview
Students learn how to model social structures using graphs. Then they learn how information flow can change through those graphs depending on testimonial injustices. Finally, they brainstorm ways to adjust the graphs to limit the impact of testimonial injustice.
Connection to Course Technical Material
This module was an updated version of the previous year. In it, we use graph theory to vividly demonstrate testimonial injustice. Then we consider how these mathematical models can be applied to fight against injustice in the world today.
The module builds directly on the graph theory material taught in the three weeks prior.
Module Goals
- Learn about testimonial injustice as a general concept
- Illustrate testimonial injustice in group exercises that utilize graph theory
- Understand, in a more nuanced manner, what testimonial injustice is and why it is wrong
Key Philosophical Questions
The questions raised were meant to a) interrogate exactly what testimonial injustice is, and b) shed light on testimonial injustice by viewing it through the lens of graph theory.
- What is testimonial injustice?
- How can we use graph theory to inform our understanding of testimonial injustice?
- How can we use graph theory to combat testimonial injustice?
Key Philosophical Concepts
The students already understood these concepts in an informal way, but the philosophical lecture paired with the graph material made that understanding more specific and concrete.
- Testimonial injustice: hearer takes the speaker’s word as less reliable due to prejudice
- Epistemic injustice
- Social networks
- Power structures
Assigned Readings
This reading was central to the final assignment, which expanded the in-class activity to include graphs with multiple testifiers.
Class Agenda
Each group activity involved rolling dice to model how information spreads (or doesn’t spread) throughout a social network.
- Lecture: Defining Testimonial Injustice (20 mins)
- Group Activity #1 (20 mins)
- Group Discussion #1 (5 mins)
- Group Activity #2 (20 mins)
- Final Discussion (10 mins)
Sample Class Activity
This module centered on this interactive activity, which was successful. Ending with a class-wide graph is ideal, though it requires careful attention to planning and time management.
Part 1: Students model two graphs at their table (presented in a handout). One node is a testifier who is trying to share information that is not morally loaded. The person who is listening to their testimony has a certain probability that they will “believe” the person’s testimony. They roll dice, which determines whether they believe. All other nodes in the graph have the same probability. They model information flow to see whether the testimony spreads around the full graph.
Part 2: Students model three graphs, of the same shape as the two initial graphs but now certain nodes are much less likely to believe the testimony than others (due to testimonial injustice). The first graph has the testifier isolated and generally disbelieved. The second has the testifier less isolated but still disbelieved. The final graph has the testifier less isolated and less disbelieved. The three graphs show the progression of how one could handle testimonial injustice in a social network (while not addressing the injustice itself).
Module Assignment
This assignment expanded the graph modeling beyond what was presented in the module itself – now there are multiple testifiers.
As you read in Jackson’s “Me Too”: Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition, The Me-Too Movement involved thousands of women in different industries coming forward with experiences of sexual harassment and assault. This movement became a “consciousness-raising event” where testimony about sexual harassment was taken more seriously than it had been in the past and perpetrators suffered the consequences. Creating a directed graph as an aid in your explanation, what features of the movement contributed to this outcome? Please consider the number of nodes, the number of testifiers, and the number and probability of edges between nodes
Lessons Learned
- The material was very closely connected to the course material, and students were engaged.
- A class-wide graph would have been a compelling way to close the session
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